Why Are Dams Built?

08 Jul.,2024


Why Are Dams Built?

A dam is a wall that is constructed to control water flow in a particular region. Apart from those that were built by people, dams also exist in nature with beavers being one of the most prolific dam builders in nature.

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History of Dams

Dams are some of the oldest inventions of human societies as they date back to ancient Mesopotamian communities. Archaeological evidence indicates that one of the first dams constructed was located in present-day Jordan and is referred to as the Jawa Dam. The dam was interlinked with other dams indicating that ancient communities were well-versed in making use of water resources. The primary purpose of the Jawa dam was to conserve water to be used within the nearby community. Another ancient dam was located in Egypt and was referred to as the Sadd el-Kafara Dam. The dam had a tragic history as it was designed to control floods, but a flood destroyed it before construction could be completed. Other ancient societies such as the Romans also constructed dams for a variety of reasons such as supplying cities with water and irrigation. Over the years, technology improved which meant that dams could be constructed for many other reasons. The oldest dam still in operation is the Lake Homs Dam of Syria.

Purpose of Dams

Water Storage

The reason why dams are constructed is to store water for future use particularly in areas where the rainfall is unreliable. The water stored in the dams may be used for a variety of purposes. During the drier seasons, cities can be supplied with water stored in the dams ensuring that the residents have a constant supply of water. Some of the dams that store the highest quantity of water include the Kariba Dam which stores 43 cubic miles of water and the Bratsk Dam that stores 40.5 cubic miles of water.


One of the primary reasons for which dams are constructed is to supply water for supporting agriculture particularly in regions that receive limited rainfall. The concept of storing water for use in farming is an ancient concept; however, the construction of irrigation dams in the modern age makes excellent use of technology to store as much water as possible.

One of the dams that have had a significant impact on irrigation is the Aswan High Dam which was constructed in the 's. Due to Egypt's climate, agriculture is heavily dependent on irrigation. Data indicates that the dam releases 11 cubic miles of water into various irrigation canals which then directs the water into farms within the Nile valley and the Nile Delta. In these regions, nearly 130,000 square miles of land is under agriculture due to the influence of the dam. The large area under agriculture is vital to Egypt's food security.

Another region where dams play a significant role in irrigation is in Israel particularly the -Yeruham Dam constructed on the Revivim Stream. The dam was completed in and has provided vast quantities of water for farming.

In the United States, one of the most famous dams used for irrigation is the Navajo Dam which was constructed in the 's. During the initial years after the dam's construction, the amount of water released depended on the agricultural requirements. The Navajo Dam is critical in the operations of the Navajo Indian Irrigation Project where almost 110 miles of land are used for agriculture.

Flood Control

Another reason why dams are built is to control floods in areas where they pose a high risk to communities. Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters and they substantially affect communities that live along river banks. The River Nile was one of the rivers that caused tremendous flooding over the cause of its history. The flooding proved to be a significant issue for Egyptian governments even during the colonial period, and they tried to find methods to prevent the river from flooding. The government finally decided to construct the Aswan High Dam based on information provided by Harold Edwin Hurst. After the construction of the dam, the flooding of the Nile stopped. Dams are also present on the Mississippi River to control the level of water within the river after the great flood that occurred in .

Electricity Generation

The construction of dams is also essential in the generation of hydroelectric power. Many of the world's nations are shifting their reliance from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy such as hydroelectricity which increases the significance of several dams. One of the most important hydroelectric projects in the world, Itaipu Dam, is located along the Parana River. The dam gained international prominence in as it produced more hydroelectric power than any other project in the world at around 103,098,366 megawatt hours. The Paraguayan and Brazilian governments jointly manage the dam. The Three Gorges Dam, located on the Yangtze River, is another prominent hydroelectric project. The power station has a higher capacity than any other in the world, and in it set a global record in power generation as it produced 98,800,000 megawatt hours. In the US, the Grand Coulee Dam, located on the Columbia River, is one of the most important hydroelectric projects as it generates more than 20,000,000 megawatt hours annually.


Another reason why dams are constructed is to facilitate navigation along inland water bodies. The natural conditions on a river may change from time to time which makes it difficult to use the rivers for navigation consistently. Natural features on rivers such as rapids may also hinder navigation. Due to the numerous benefits of inland navigation, dams may be constructed to create optimum conditions for navigation. One of the dams that aid navigation is the McAlpine Locks and Dam built in Kentucky along the Ohio River. The presence of the Falls of Ohio hindered navigation along the river. After the project was completed, ships could comfortably navigate over the Ohio River.

Environmental Impact of Dams

Although dams play an important economic role, they cause significant environmental problems in the region where they are constructed. In malaria-prone regions of the world, dam reservoirs provide a breeding ground to mosquitoes which contribute to more instances of malaria. Another problem caused by the construction of dams is that it leads to soil erosion particularly in the downstream sections of the river. Dams sometimes interfere with the life cycle of some fish species which may lead to their eventual extinction. Dam failures are also extremely problematic as they cause loss of human and animal life. The  Banqiao Reservoir Dam Failure in China, the world's deadliest dam failure, caused an estimated 171,000 deaths as well as the displacement of millions of people. 

Dams 101 for Kids

Hey Kids!

My name is Bucky Beaver, and I want to tell you all about my favorite subject, DAMS! Although the dams I build are for my protection and are small, I know a lot about human dams!

Dams help control water, our most important resource. Water is important because plants, animals and humans need to drink it to stay alive. We also use it to cook, clean and bathe. We also use water to have fun. What fun would a swimming pool be without water?

It is important that we have just the right amount of water. Having too much water will cause a flood. Having too little will cause a drought. We need a way to have just the right amount.

Building a dam can help control the flow of water and the amount of water that we have available!

Do You Have Questions About Dams?

Dams are structures that hold back water, or other liquid material!

Dams are built on rivers so that the water in the river can be controlled. When a dam is built, it creates a reservoir of water, also called man-made lakes. Dams help us store water when we need it and help prevent droughts and floods. When too much water is in a reservoir, it can be released safety through gates.

They can be built from many different materials, including earth, rock, tailings from mining or milling, concrete, masonry, steel, timber, miscellaneous materials (such as plastic or rubber) and any combination of these materials. The material that is used depends on how the dam is going to be used.

Some dams are used for water supply, others for energy for a town or even for recreation. Some are used to prevent flooding. It is up to the engineer to know what the dam is being used for and choose the best design.

Here are some of the parts of a typical dam:

CREST -  the top of a dam
ABUTMENT - the part of the valley side that meets the dam
BERM - a nearly horizontal step in the sloping profile of an embankment dam
OUTLET - an opening where water can be released
SPILLWAY - a structure that allows water to be released from a reservoir
EMERGENCY SPILLWAY - An extra spillway 



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Emergency Spillway

People started building dams a very long time ago. The ancient Egyptians built simple dams of earth and stones to store water from the Nile River well over years ago! Dams were also built in ancient times in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), Italy, and India. These early dams were built mostly of stone, earth, and gravel and were used to water crops.

Many dam builders then learned from people before them and continued to pass along the practice. Once modern engineering came along, the size and abilities of dams improved.

Dam engineering is still improving today. Below are some old pictures of dams in the United States. Thanks to the help of very smart engineers, the dams we build today are bigger, stronger and safer than these dams!

Did you know there are more than 90,000 dams in the United States alone? This map shows where the dams are located. 


Humans use dams for a lot of reasons! Millions of people depend on dams to help provide the right amount of water in the right place at the right time.  

Most dams do more than one job! We fish, swim and boat on about 1 in every three lakes formed by dams. Lots of dams provide water for growing crops and for farm animals to drink. They also store water for fighting fires and can help control floods.

Dams also give us hydroelectric power! U.S. dams provide almost 10% of the nation's power needs.  Hydropower is a renewable source of electricity that is friendly to the environment. It does not contribute to global warming, air pollution, acid rain or ozone depletion.


Although the water around dams may look peaceful and fun, it is very dangerous!!

Don't ever play near a dam! Even if you aren't in the water, you could slip and fall in. This doesn't mean just big dams. Even small ones can be very dangerous!

You should always have a parent with you when you are near a dam!

Let's Build A Dam!

Don't just take my word for it!  Put on your work clothes and build a dam. Here are some instructions, but you'll probably have ideas of your own, too!
Easy Version - Instructions
Hard Version - Instructions

Take the Dam Challenge!

The humans at PBS made a game that lets players pretend to be a real dam engineer!  It's fun - try it now!
Click here! 
For other PBS resources click here!

Activity Pages

Then sit down, grab a pencil and some crayons, and try these activities!
Activity Book (Low-Head Dams)


What is a Dam?
What is a Dam Engineer? Part 1 and Part 2
Who Owns Dams?
What Motivated You to Become a Dam Engineer?
What Do You Enjoy About Working on Dam Safety Projects?
What Do Dam Engineers Work On?
Interesting Facts About Dams

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