Formaldehyde removal in newly renovated houses is a very important issue

01 Mar.,2024

Ventilation is one of the most effective ways to remove formaldehyde. Newly renovated houses should keep windows open for ventilation at a certain time every day to discharge harmful indoor gases. However, ventilation also needs to be reasonable and avoid opening windows for ventilation when the outdoor air quality is poor.


Formaldehyde removal in newly renovated houses is a very important issue, because formaldehyde is a common indoor harmful gas, and long-term exposure can cause harm to human health. The following are some information on how to remove formaldehyde from newly renovated houses for your reference:

Formaldehyde removal in newly renovated houses is a very important issue

Ventilation is one of the most effective ways to remove formaldehyde. Newly renovated houses should keep windows open for ventilation at a certain time every day to discharge harmful indoor gases. However, ventilation also needs to be reasonable and avoid opening windows for ventilation when the outdoor air quality is poor.

Formaldehyde removal in newly renovated houses is a very important issue

Activated carbon can absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde in the air, but activated carbon needs to be replaced regularly and exposed to the sun, otherwise secondary pollution will occur.  

The main method of using activated carbon to remove formaldehyde and purify indoor air is to utilize its strong adsorption properties. The specific steps are as follows:  

Place activated carbon bags indoors. The physical structure of activated carbon can absorb formaldehyde in the air, thereby purifying the air.  

Since activated carbon is passively adsorbed, its air control effect is not ideal, but it has a good ability to capture formaldehyde that is volatilizing in objects. Therefore, it is best to place activated carbon directly on the surface of aldehyde-containing objects, such as furniture, so that it can absorb formaldehyde more effectively.  

Formaldehyde removal in newly renovated houses is a very important issue

The greater the density of activated carbon bags, the better the adsorption effect. It is recommended to place 3-5 activated carbon bags per square meter.

After the activated carbon bag is used for a period of time, the adsorption will be saturated. At this time, it needs to be exposed to the sun to release the formaldehyde adsorbed in the carbon bag to prevent secondary pollution. It is recommended to expose the activated carbon bag to the sun outdoors for at least 48 hours.  

Placing green plants indoors can purify the air. Some green plants, such as spider plants, aloe vera, and cacti, have the ability to absorb formaldehyde. However, the adsorption capacity of green plants is limited and can only be used as an auxiliary measure.

Using an air purifier can filter harmful gases such as formaldehyde in the air and improve indoor air quality. However, the filter of the air purifier needs to be replaced regularly, otherwise the filtration effect will be affected.  

During the decoration process, try to choose formaldehyde-free or low-formaldehyde decoration materials to reduce the source of formaldehyde. When purchasing furniture, paint, glue and other decoration materials, you can check the formaldehyde content label of the product and choose products that meet national standards.  

In short, removing formaldehyde from newly renovated houses requires taking a variety of measures, including ventilation, using activated carbon, placing green plants indoors, using air purifiers and choosing formaldehyde-free decoration materials. At the same time, it is also necessary to maintain good indoor ventilation, clean the room regularly, and maintain indoor air quality. In the process of removing formaldehyde, attention should be paid to the scientificity and rationality of the method to avoid secondary pollution.