The Best Umbrella Stroller For Tall People? This ...

10 Jun.,2024


The Best Umbrella Stroller For Tall People? This ...

Do you know what the ultimate stamp of approval is? When your husband says he refuses to buy another stroller that he has to bend over to push, then after trying the Joovy Groove Ultralight, he tells me that these are the best umbrella strollers for tall people!

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What Makes the Joovy Groove Ultralight so Great?

Before I dive fully into the many great aspects of the Groove, I want to mention that after four kids we have had many, many strollers throughout the last 10 years. In fact, we currently have way too many as we&#;ve yet to get rid of any (except the very first one we ever had and only because it broke), so our garage has become somewhat of a baby stroller parking facility &#; much to my husband&#;s chagrin.

With that being said, I feel pretty confident when I tell you why this stroller is so great and why it is one of the best umbrella strollers for tall people (it should be noted that I am not that tall, but my husband is and he refused to use any stroller that makes him hunch over &#; it&#;s a deal breaker).

We&#;ve also taken the Joovy Groove Ultralight with us on our recent vacation to Florida. We did SIX Theme Parks &#; yes, six! This stroller held up so well and was such a breeze to push around that I feel like after passing that test, it had to make it on the list for the best umbrella strollers for tall people.

Joovy Groove Ultralight Review

Less Is More

Have you ever seen those commercials where the first-time-mom is packing up everything under the sun, including the kitchen sink, for a day out with baby en-tow? Yeah, we&#;ve probably all been there, but I have to say that less can truly be more. The Joovy Groove has less weight, less fuss, and just enough of everything you need. 

Case in point: this stroller is so compact that you can easily fold it up and take it with you wherever you need to go. We had 7 people on our last road trip and very minimal storage space, yet this (and another stroller we already had) fit nice and compactly in the rear. You can also take it with you very easily in the airport as it has a great carrying strap built right in

A Huge Canopy

One of the things I always look for when considering a new stroller is the canopy size. I&#;ve seen way too many strollers with these teeny tiny canopies that may as well not even be on the dang thing because the don&#;t do a thing. They don&#;t block sunlight, especially mid-day, and they don&#;t help with rain either. 

The Joovy is actually great at both. The large canopy is wonderful at blocking light, and since it is removable and adjustable, you can position it in any direction you wish &#; even during a full recline of the seat. 

The fabric is also a bit water-resistant from what I can tell since the water just beaded up right on top. It should be noted that we also took this stroller with us to Florida for 8 days and it rained every single day. The baby stayed pretty dry under the canopy, and the parts of him that did get wet (his legs and the seat that wasn&#;t under the canopy) dried out very quickly.  

Water beading up on top

The canopy also has a peek-a-boo window. I normally don&#;t care too much about these, but after long days at some theme parks, it is pretty handy to use to check and see if you child is sleeping or not without them noticing. I&#;ve had it happen way too often where my child is on the brink of sleep, I peek around and then they see me and all thoughts of sleep are gone!

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Near-Flat Recline

If you are using a stroller for a baby, or even a toddler for that matter, at some point they are probably going to fall asleep. I don&#;t know about you, but sleeping upright is not comfortable for me, so why would it be comfortable for my baby? The near-flat recline and adjustable footrest on the Joovy Groove make sleeping on-the-go really simple and easy. 

The only thing I found with this stroller that could perhaps be enhanced/improved in future models is that the recline is not able to be done one-handed. It isn&#;t a big deal, but you do have to stop the stroller and use two hands to slowly recline the seat so you don&#;t wake the baby. It is very easy to do, and also easy to pull the straps to bring the seat back up, but I prefer a one-handed design.

Parent Organizer

A fun feature that I don&#;t see on many strollers of similar size is a parent organizer. Most have a storage area underneath, but the Groove has a great zippered pocket to hold things like keys, a , and valuables that you can access even when the seat is fully reclined. 

There is also a beverage holder that holds one beverage.

Deep Storage Basket

Speaking of storage baskets, the one on the Groove is large. For me that is a huge deal. I need a basket that can accommodate my purse and a diaper bag, this storage basket has no problem doing so!

Great Features for Your Child

The 5-point harness on the Joovy is pretty great because it is easy to snap together, and the shoulder straps don&#;t pop off unless you take them off the hooks. I like this over other designs because you don&#;t have to wrestle with it to get all the pieces in place every time you go to use it. Each section of the harness is fully adjustable as well.

Child Storage

If your child has a favorite toy or a sippy cup they just can&#;t go without, you can stick them right in the inside pockets where they will have easy access to grab those coveted items at any time. There is a mesh pocket on each side for ample storage.

If Dad Loves It, It&#;s A Winner!

We love our Joovy Groove Ultralight as a top pick for umbrella strollers for tall people.
Have you ever tried a Joovy?

More info and Where to Buy

Find out more about the Groove Ultralight on the Joovy website. 
Buy on Amazon HERE. Read more reviews on the Groove HERE.

I was provided a Groove for review purposes, opinions are my own.

Strollers for Tall Parents


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I am not sure who stroller companies are making their strollers for but it is not for anyone over 5'7''. I have a commuter stroller which I use to get on public transportation everyday because I can't get my Perego in and out of the bus with my son in it by myself. I say this only because getting a new stroller isn't really an option as most of the ''lite'' strollers are all to low. The bar is straight across but is so low I have to hunch over to push it and my feet are always hitting the back end. Has anyone come up with a clever way to make an extension or does something like that exist and if so where can I get one?? Appreciate the advice thanks. tired of hunching

we have the same problem: I'm 5'9'' and my husband is 6'0'' We shopped at Rockridge Kids and asked about extensions but the stroller expert there said that they continually test these extensions when they come on the market, but none of them work well (this was 6 months ago). That said, we bought the McLaren Daytripper and it works just fine. McLaren makes their strollers a little longer. Neither of us have a problem with our feet hitting the stroller (all of the other strollers we've had were a problem) tall mom

Rightstart has these at their website ( and at their stores. I think also SafetyMatters ( ) has them too.

I found stroller extentions for my umbrella stroller in the One Step Ahead catalog. I don't know if they have extentions for the other type of handle but you can start there. Try rhea

My stroller is not very comfortable to push because the handle doesn't reach far up enough and I have to sort of hunch over. It was a gift and I can't really afford to buy another one. Has anyone heard of a handle extension -- and do you know where I can buy one? Colleen

YOu can order these things from ONe Step Ahead's catalog, or (a better option) you can call up Rockridge Kids or Baby World on College, and ask them if they have the extensions. We have some for our stroller, and they make a lot of difference. It does matter how your stroller handles are configured, by the way, as to the kind of extension you should get. Wendy

For stroller handle extensions try One Step Ahead Catalogue. You can find their products on-line as well. Rachelle

I am a 6'1 mom who could never understand why they can't make height-adjustable strollers! What a ridiculous thing! Anyway, I found extensions for both an umbrella and regular (for lack of a better word) stroller from the catalog ONe Step Ahead (I'm 99% sure; if not there, then the Right Start). Both have web sites too.Hilary

You can find an extension handle for an umbrella stroller at The Right Start for about $16 (www.the and for a standard stroller at One Step Ahead for about $23 ( I'm 5'10 and my husband is 6'5 so I've done a lot of reasearch to find things like this! MW

I was just at Lullaby Lane in San Bruno and they sell extension handles for umbrella-stroller-type handles (that is, two separate handles instead of a bar that goes across). You can either go there or call them and they will ship them to you. Christina

I am 6'2 and love my stroller! It was the only one I could find w/ height adjustments. I only use it at the tallest setting though (except when I put it in a friend's small car -- the adj handles came in handy to make it fit). It would be a great stroller if your partner is taller/shorter than you. It is a KidCo brand, umbrella-style and it's pretty light and maneuverable. The main drawback is the small storage basket underneath, but no one seems satisfied w/ their baskets. I know the person who started this line of inquiry was looking for handle extenders, but anyone in the market for a stroller might want to know about this one. (I bought mine at Baby World where the staff was most helpful). Sharon


I am six-feet tall, and my husband is 6'5. We have a Peg Perrgo Pliko stroller, but it is much too short. I'm getting a back ache from pushing it around every day, and my husband avoids it completely. We have tried the extender handles and they help, but with the Pliko, I must take them off each time the stroller goes back in the trunk, which is time-consuming and generally frustrating. Can anyone recommend a really good stroller for very tall parents? Carolyn

The only thing harder than finding a stroller for a tall parent is finding one that works for a very tall and a very short couple (Dad is 6'5, Mom is 5'3)! I also have arm/hand problems, and need a handle that provides proper positioning in a variety of grips.

But there is hope in the Maclaren line - we found the Techno especially good for our needs. It's a bit high-tech looking, but the benefit of that is it has great reflector tape all around it - it is very visible at night. MacLaren makes the tallest handles. They are worth the investment. We have had the Techno for about a year, and are very happy with it. The handles are very comfy, and my husband can push it without kicking it and without back strain. Maneuverability is great. And with my arm problems, hub does a lot of the pushing.

A year ago, the Techno was very hard to find. You can probably find it online and save the tax/shipping charges. We found ours in the discount room of Lullaby Lane in San Bruno. It later developed a small aesthetic problem with the hood fabric - it bubbled on the inside, so you saw it when the hood was folded back, probably caused by being cooked in the car. But even though it was from the cheapy store, Lullaby Lane replaced it with absolutely no guilt or hassle.

Other minor problem - since the last time we gate checked it at the Airport, it has had a squeak and seems a bit less responsive. We'll see how they do on 'tune-ups' for bent frames. In all, we've been very happy with the service and salesfolks' knowledge at Lullaby. Ann

As a tall mom myself (6'1), besides the extenders, the only thing I have found is a jog stroller. They tend to make them in different sizes because they figure men will use them (as if they don't use the others?!) and of course, only men are tall. Anyway, my 6'5 sister gave me hers which was xtra tall and its great. Hilary

I am 6'2 tall, my husband is a bit shorter. When I shopped for a stroller, I had only one criteria: height!! I am very pleased with the stroller I bought. It is a Kid Co. brand that I bought on Piedmont Ave. It is an umbrella-type with adjustable handles. I always use it in the longest length, so I don't know how comfortable it would be for your husband who is taller than me. It seems perfect for my height.

When we traveled, we were able to easily shorten the handles on it each time we put it in a friend's car trunk. It fits in my Subaru w/out adjusting if I put it in on an angle. It adjusts so the baby can lay almost flat (flat enough for my boy, and we used it from 2 1/2 months on). It is also a pretty well-balanced stroller - I use a backpack diaper bag that I put on the stroller, and it only tips over when the baby is out of it when I add an additional bag. The only drawback is no peek-through window on the canopy, and I chose the cheaper model without the front bar, so there is no place to attach toys. I wish you luck, and share your frustrations with being a tall mama in baby world! Sharon

I'm 5'10 and my husband is 6'3, and we splurged on McClaren strollers for both of our kids for this very reason. The handles on McClarens are much higher than on most other brands, hence no hunching over. McClarens tend to be expensive (around $300 the last time I checked) but they're really sturdy, and very light, portable, and easily collapsible strollers. We've had our current model for more than 4 years, and it still looks and works great despite daily use (and abuse) from two kids -- plus steep curbs, buckled sidewalks, and potholed streets in three separate cities. Leah

I am 6 feet tall and my husband is 6 foot 2. We have the McLaren Mistral and it is working well for us. It's not cheap (around $250?), but it is a well-built indispensable piece of equipment! Janine

I am 6'-1 and have the only stroller I've ever seen with telescoping arms. I bought it at toys-r-us three years ago and only in the last year have I been seeing them on the streets. It is an in-step and all the one's I've seen are dark green. Good luck, Daniel

I am 5'10. I bought the Aprica Prima stroller specifically to accomodate my height. That was about 6 years ago, however, I'm pretty sure they still make a similar model but it is called a different name. The handle adjusts up and down to accomodate 2 different heights. The seat reclines all the way back and the handle flips around so the stroller can be forward facing out or back facing you. It is also very light weight, like 11 pounds. Although they are very expensive ($300+), they are guarenteed for life and will send need replacement parts for no charge. Mine has been though 2 kids and has suffered little more then some fading of the fabric. Allison

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit foldable umbrella stroller.