The Best Seed Starting Trays For Beginner Gardeners

29 Apr.,2024


The Best Seed Starting Trays For Beginner Gardeners

Want more information on 32 cell seedling trays? Feel free to contact us.

Seed starting trays are one of the easiest ways to start vegetable, flower, and other plant seedlings indoors before the weather warms up. They come in a variety of sizes, with different features, and materials, but which ones are best?

Are some seed starting trays better then others and why? This is what I set out to find out this years growing season, in my quest to grow more of my own vegetables at home!

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Are Seed Starting Trays Absolutly Necessary?

In past years, I never really used seed starting trays and always went with a collection of mixed solo cups, old flower pots , yogurt containers, egg cartons, basically whatever I could find and put soil in! While all these containers do work, and can be a great way to garden on a budget, I never really found that much success with my mix and match approach.

The main problem with this approach is that it simply makes things harder to manage. The various containers all require different amounts of water to stay moist, they take up way more space, and you have to move each seedling individually should you want to move them out, under grow lights or into a new window sill.

In short, are seed starter trays necessary for the beginner gardener? No, not exactly, but they sure do make life a whole lot easier, and dramatically improve your chances of success!

Why would we recommend using seed starting trays?

Seed starter trays make life a whole lot easier by conveniently grouping seedlings into easy to manage trays.

  • It is much easier to provide adequate lighting when all the seedlings are grouped closely together instead of being spaced out in various size containers. The trays easily fit under grow lights, and can easily be moved around as a group.
  • As the seed tray cells are all a uniform size, it is much easier to water, and stay on top of the moistures requirements of the various seedlings. As the seed trays all contain proper drainage, they also help prevent over watering the seedlings.
  • It is much easier to plant similar types of plants in their own trays, for example herbs in one, lettuces in another, etc. This helps when needing to harden off or transplant certain seedlings before others.
  • Some seed trays even come with clear plastic covers or domes, which help regulate moisture, especially in the beginning phases of germination and growth.

Different Seed Starting Tray Materials and Designs

Most often seed starting trays are made of rigid plastic and are reusable, or are made of super thin recyclable plastic that is meant to be thrown away after using. Some are a combo of plastic drip tray with bio-degradable cells or peat pellets that can later be planted right into the garden.

There are a wide range of designs to choose from, and it can be overwhelming, especially for new gardeners.

Which you'll end up choosing depends on several factors and we'll go over some of the most common designs in this guide to help you decide what will work best for you.

Seed Tray Sizes

Most seed starter trays come in a 10" x 20" size, but differ in the amount of 'cells' or individual plants that can be planted in the tray.

The more cells a tray has, the shorter the time frame before the seedlings out grow the tray and need to be planted out or transplanted into larger containers.

Tray sizes range from 12 cell trays - 128 cell trays! In my experience, tray sizes between 24 cells and 48 cells work best and will safely keep your plants indoors for 4 to 8 weeks before needing to be transplanted.

  • Trays with a high number of cells (and thus a shorter growth time indoors) work especially well for lettuces such as spinach, kale, and head lettuces, which can be transplanted out into the garden sooner, either under hoop tunnels or in cold frames, then other plants.
  • Trays with a smaller number of cells (for example 24 - 36 cells per tray) are ideal for plants such as tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, herbs, and squashes.

Root vegetables, should when possible always be planted directly in the garden and not transplanted.

If you see roots coming out of the cells or peat pellet inserts, it's time to transplant the seedlings into a larger container or into the garden.

Bio-degradable inserts vs plastic cell trays

Which style of seed starter tray you choose is ultimately up to you.

Bio-degradable cell inserts are great, and make transplanting easy as the entire 'cell' is simply transplanted directly into a larger container or into the garden, and the tray material bio-degrades. They do need to be replaced yearly though and have a tendency to develop mold easier then plastic cell trays do.

Plastic seed starter trays are mostly re-usable, especially the more rigid plastic celled trays. The seedlings can be slightly harder to remove from the trays at transplanting time though, and you may need to use a butter knife, or spoon handle to help loosens the sides of the individual cells.

Never pull on the seedling stems to try and remove the cell from the tray as you will most probably damage the plant!

Additional accessories for your seed trays

Consider these accessories when starting and growing seedlings indoors. They make life a whole lot easier, and increase your chances of success! If you have to pick just one of them, I will always recommend grow lights be the first upgrade to your indoor seedlings!

  • LED Grow Lights- specially designed lights to provide the proper amount of lights seedlings require to prevent growth issues.
  • Heat Mats- help by keeping soil temperatures consistently warm, speeding up and aiding in germination rates.
  • Base Trays- provide drainage for trays with drainage holes, and allow you to water your seedlings from below. Tis can help prevent disease and pest problems!
  • Clear Dome Lid- Help keep heat and moisture in the seed tray. Especially important when waiting for seeds to germinate. A great and cheap investment when heat mats are not possible.

The Best Seed Starting Trays For Beginner Gardeners

In our quest to discover which seed trays work best for our vegetable garden needs, we purchased and trialed three of the most commonly available styles of seed starting trays. Biodegradable cell inserts on a plastic base tray, peat pellet inserts with a base tray, and a rigid plastic celled tray with a base for watering.

Jiffy Professional Greenhouse 72-Cell Starter kit


A great seed starting tray for beginners, just add water and the peat pellets expand. No need for extra potting soil, or filling pots. Seeds sprout quickly and the clear heat dome helps retain moisture, reducing the need to water as often. Downside to this size tray is the short growing time before the seedlings need to be moved to larger pots or transplanted into the garden. Plan accordingly. Perfect for lettuces or plants that can be transplanted within a week or two of germination.


  • Easy to plant peat pellets
  • Comes with clear lid to retain moisture
  • Comes with base tray for easy watering
  • No need to purchase potting soil


  • Seedlings quickly outgrow the peat pellets
  • pellets need to be replaced after each use
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32 Cell Peat Pot Strips


Large peat pots provide enough space for plants to grow for 6 to 8 weeks. Perfect for tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, or squash seedlings. Base tray allows for easy watering, though care must be taken not to overwater to prevent mold growth. We found cutting the strips apart before planting made transplanting easier, with less disturbance to the plants. A great, easy to use tray for most plants.


  • Bio-degradable inserts make planting and transplanting easy
  • Larger cell size allows for seedlings to stay indoors longer nd develop healthy root systems
  • Comes with base tray for easy watering
  • Allows for longer growth time before transplanting


  • Inserts need to be replaced yearly
  • Requires a solid watering tray (sold separately)
  • Requires potting soil to fill.
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Re-Useable 72 Cell Plug Tray


The re-useable nature of this seed tray requires only adding new potting soil before each use. The deep 1.8 inch plugs allow for more root development despite the high cell count. We found the seedlings to easily grow for up to 4-6 weeks before requiring transplanting. Perfect for herbs, peppers, lettuces etc. Plugs are harder to remove at transplant time though and require loosening of the sides with a spoon or popsicle stick, increasing the chances of damaging roots.


  • Entire plastic tray is reusable
  • Each cell has dedicated drainage hole
  • Deep 1.8" cells allow for more root development.


  • requires base tray for drainage
  • seedlings are harder to remove then with bio-degradable inserts or pellets
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Over all we found that all three styles of seed starting trays had their own pros and cons making them great for different things. With all trays we tried, we found planting 2-3 seeds per cell and then trimming back to just one seedling after sprouting to give the best results.

The small Jiffy peat plugs where great for starting lettuces, herbs, and brassicas that can be transplanted out sooner even in cool weather. Tomatoes and cucumbers struggled in these peat plugs due to the limited growing space for the roots and required transplanting into larger pots fairly quickly.

The larger 32 peat pots where wonderful for plants that require more time to establish before being planted out. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, and squashes all did well in this tray for up to 8 weeks. The only downside was the need to separate and space out some of the plants once they grew so large they where shading the other seedlings.

The re-useable 72 cell tray with 2 inch plugs worked surprisingly well, even for our larger plants, such as tomatoes and peppers. The deeper cell plugs allowed the plants to stay in the trays longer then expected. Removing the plugs without damaging the roots was a bit of a challenge though and took some getting the hang of.

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Seed Trays for Gardens & Farms; A no Fail Guide ...

Having a successful farm or garden starts with proper planning and preparation, and that includes choosing the right tools and supplies. One of the most important tools for starting plants is the seed tray.

There are several types of seed trays available, and each one has its own benefits and uses. In this article, we will explore the different types of seed trays and how to use each of them effectively.



Starting seeds in cell trays, especially in the larger ones, gives the grower the advantage of being able to start more seedlings in their growing space. This is especially handy for row crops where the grower may want to plant 100 or more of each variety.

Growing this many seedling starts in larger seed pots would take up way too much space. The other advantage is that you will waste less growing media starting out your seeds and then up-potting the successfully germinated starts into new pots.



There are two basic parts to a seed tray, one of which is optional:

  • Tray – this is the top part that holds soil, individual containers (pots), or a cell flat. When used with a cell flat, the tray is used for watering from below.

  • Cell flat (plug flat) – this is the optional lower part. This is the part that holds the water to keep you from watering the seedlings very frequently.



Seedling trays come in different forms, including mesh seed trays, solid seed trays with drainage holes, and solid seed trays without drainage holes (leak-proof seed trays).

Mesh Seed Trays

A mesh seed tray is a type of seed tray that allows air, water, and light to pass through it while also providing support and protection to seedlings as they grow. It typically consists of a frame made of durable plastic or wire mesh, with a tray or pot placed inside it to hold the soil and seeds.

Mesh seed trays are specifically designed for seed starting, and they are often used in commercial and home gardens to start seedlings before transplanting them into larger containers or into the ground. They are also commonly used for microgreen production, which is the practice of growing germinated seeds into small, edible plants that are harvested a few weeks after germination.

By allowing air, water, and light to pass through, mesh seed trays help to reduce the risk of damping off, a disease that can kill young seedlings. They also allow for better drainage, reducing the risk of root rot and other diseases associated with overwatering.

Where to buy:


Cell Seed Tray

A cell seed tray is composed of small, individual cells, each of which is typically about 5 to 10 millimeters wide, long, and deep. The cells are arranged in a grid-like pattern, with rows and columns, and they're separated from each other by small walls. Cell seed trays are often used for growing seedlings, particularly when growing crops in a commercial setting.

Cell seed trays are beneficial because they allow for efficient and convenient seedling production.

The small cells allow for even distribution of water and nutrients to the sprouts, and they provide a secure and stable base for the seedlings to grow and mature. This makes it easier to transplant them into larger containers or directly into the ground, and it decreases the risk of damage to the seedlings.

Overall, cell seed trays are a versatile and efficient tool for growing seedlings and they're a popular choice for commercial growers or those who want to start their own miniature farm.

Where to buy:


Solid Seed Trays with Drainage Holes

Solid seed trays with drainage holes allow for adequate drainage, making them suitable for planting multiple seeds together in one place.

For more information, please visit 15 Cells Garden Starter Trays.

The drainage holes prevent the soil from becoming saturated with water and promote healthy root growth. However, the lack of individual cells makes it impossible to move seedlings to separate containers once they grow larger.

Where to buy:


Solid seed trays without drainage holes

Solid seed trays without drainage holes (leak-proof seed trays) do not allow for any drainage at all. They are best used for holding cell flats and allowing for bottom watering. By holding water, the tray can be used to catch excess water from watering seeds, or to water seeds from below.



Seed Tray With a Humidity Dome

A seed tray with a humidity dome is a growing system that provides an ideal environment for seed germination and early plant growth. It consists of a seed tray, which is a tray with small, individual cells or pots, and a humidity dome, which is a clear plastic cover that fits over the tray.

The humidity dome creates a warm, moist environment that is essential for seed germination and early plant growth. The cover traps moisture and moisture-laden air around the seedlings, providing them with a consistent supply of water. This can be particularly beneficial during dry periods or when the air is particularly dry.

Seed trays with humidity domes are particularly useful for growing plants that require a warm and humid environment, such as tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables. They are also popular for growing herbs, flowers, and other outdoor plants.



Biodegradable Seed Trays

Biodegradable seed trays are the environmentally friendly solution to traditional, plastic seed trays.

Instead of being made from synthetic materials that can take hundreds of years to decompose, biodegradable seed trays are made from natural materials such as recycled paper, biodegradable plastic, or plant-based materials.

These innovative trays provide all the benefits of traditional seed trays, including protection for seedlings and support for roots, but with the added bonus of being gentle on the environment. Biodegradable materials are non-toxic and they won't pollute the soil or water systems when they're discarded.

Biodegradable seed trays are a great choice for gardeners who want to reduce their environmental impact while still nurturing their plants. They're also an excellent choice for commercial growers who need to minimize their waste output and meet sustainability goals.



Ergonomic Pop-out Seed Tray

An ergonomic pop-out seed tray is a growing tray designed for the comfort and productivity of gardeners.

Soft food-grade silicone cells cradle seedlings and gently flex to pop out when it’s time to transplant into your outdoor garden! This system is specially designed to reduce stress on your seedlings, so you don't damage their roots. After transplanting, trays are easy to clean and reuse or simply store for next growing season. Top shelf dishwasher safe.

The tray is made from lightweight, durable materials that are easy to clean. These trays are a popular choice among commercial growers and home gardeners who want to maximize their seedling production while minimizing their physical strain.

Where to buy:



Quickly review some of these seed starting questions.

  • Are you growing a large number of one variety of plants for transplanting row crops?

  • Are you planting smaller numbers of a wide variety of plants?

  • Will you be planting your crops all at once, or will you be using the succession planting method?

  • What type of seeds will you be planting? Peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, watermelon, etc.?

  • How large are the seeds?

  • How long will your seedlings need to stay in the cell trays?

  • Will you be potting up your plant starts or planting out directly from the plug trays?

  • How much protected growing space do you have to start seeds in?

  • Will you use a heat mat or a dome or rely on ambient temperatures and humidity for germination?



Most seedlings can stay in cell trays for at least 4 weeks. The larger the cell volume, the longer a plant can grow before it becomes root-bound.

Plants grown in a 200 cell tray will typically need to be potted up or transplanted outside once they have a full set of true leaves. Plants grown in a 32-cell insert pot can be kept in protected conditions for 6-8 weeks.

Plastic Seed Trays Plastic seed trays are one of the most popular types of trays for starting plants. They are lightweight, durable, and easy to clean. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and are a budget-friendly option.


Yes. It is possible to overwater seedlings growing in cell trays. A common mistake growers make though is to leave water in the bottom of a plug tray at all times. This will eliminate your seedling’s ability to get oxygen.

Bottom-watering can be properly done by adding just enough water to allow the cell tray to evenly absorb it during the watering and no more. You want to discard the excess water as it will become stagnant and invite anaerobic bacteria to wreak havoc on your newly established seedlings.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit 48 Holes Seedling Starter Kit.